The Honorable Mayor Anne Figueroa {Politician/Designer, At Your Service.}

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the Lovely Anne Figueroa, respected interior designer and mayor of Rancho Santa Margarita (henceforth referred to as RSM)


When it comes to my bi-vocational friends (of whom I have many), most view their “secondary” occupations in one of two ways:

  1. Necessary, uninspired money-making, or
  2. Enjoyable, but less important accessory to the main interest.

My client and buddy Anne Figueroa is interesting to me, because while she is absolutely bi-vocational, her interests are more like a pair of dueling passions; one birthed from her creative mind, the other from her distaste of irresponsible government and overtaxation.


A flag-changing ceremony, with Anne at the helm. She was born to grip that podium.

Anne’s love of interior design goes way back, to her time as a student at Palos Verdes High. While she was there, they offered a single-semester class on interior design, which she took part in and enjoyed so much that she successfully petitioned her school to add a second semester class. Already the politician, making changes for the better to the world around her. So cool.

Despite her love for design, Anne went on to graduate from USC Marshall School of Business, with a major in marketing. After some time in the business world, probably being the best of her kind at whatever she put her hand to, she decided it was time to cycle back to focusing on doing what she likes best; improving the world around her. Not just lighting up the room when she walks in (though she does do that), but making permanent, structural differences through design and politics. I’m for sure missing some of the narrative here, but she’s too accomplished for me to list everything she’s ever done. Suffice to say, she “shifted gears” and set off to pursue a career in design.

Lady Mayor Anne Figueroa, in her mayoral seat. Honestly a little intimidating in there. It’s like the parliament building of some tiny, fictional European republic from a Disney movie. For the record, while I was there with Anne and her compatriots I quoted some lines from Parks And Recreation which received little to no response. Come to find out, they weren’t picking up what I was laying down because NONE OF THEM HAD EVER SEEN IT, even though Anne occasionally sounds like a real-life Ron Swanson, if Ron Swanson was just basically a nice person and very polite. She also wouldn’t do many of the silly things he does, but you get what I mean. Truth is stranger than fiction, I suppose.

As to politics, for three and one-half years she served on a planning commission, and then became a city council member (RSM government is ordered in such a way that the council members essentially rotate through the mayoral office, which I find interesting). Year after year she takes part in this process, while at the same time designing interiors and being a special client of mine. How she finds the time to accomplish this I do not know.

Not having a formal degree in interior design, nevertheless she has gained a reputation as a formidable interior designer in Orange County and beyond. When I asked her how she does it, she explained that her passions “don’t feel like work”. She really wants her constituents to pay less taxes and have better quality of life. She also wants their homes to look good. What a lady!

The heart of Anne’s beloved RSM. Isn’t that a nice view?

I asked Anne about crossover between her political and design interests, and her answer did not surprise me. She said, “I see design potential in all situations. And I’m a planner in all ways, so designing civic structure feels pretty much the same as designing the interior of a home.”

At the close of our interview, I asked her if there was anything in particular she wanted me to quote her on. She thought for a moment before replying, and then said, “California has too many taxes.”

You know what, Anne? I think a lot of us agree with you.

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